Rectangular fire damper with a 240 minutes fire resistance in concrete walls.
- Casing made of refractory material.
- Intumescent strip.
CU4+CFTH : Rectangular fire damper CU4 with unlocking mechanism CFTH. It automatically unlatches the damper blade when the temperature in the duct rises above 72ºC. due to the rise in temperature the fusible link melts. This causes an armed internal torsion spring to unwind an thereby release the damper blade into its safety position (closed). The fusible link must be replaced after functioning.
The damper can be unlocked manually to test the proper functioning or the mechanism. The damper must be reset manually.
CU4+ONET24 FDCU : Spring return actuator with fusible link + unipolar beginning-and end-of-range switch- 24V
CU4+ONET24 ST FDCU : Spring return actuator with fusible link + unipolar beginning- and end-of-range switch and plug (ST). 24V
CU4+ONET230 FDCU : Spring return actuator with fusible link + unipolar beginning- and end-of-range switch 230V
CU4+BFL(T) : Rectangular fire damper CU4 with spring return actuator BFL(T). When powred, the actuator moves the damper blade into its stand-by position. when the power is interrupted, the internal armed spring brings the damper blade back into its safety position. the (included) beginning and end of range switches indicate the position of the damper blade. It is equiped with a fusible link that interrupts power spply when the temperture in the duct exceeds 72ºC